
Follow your curiosity


“kutuhal” is a Marathi language word meaning curiosity. And the name of the blog “kutuhalBytes” is a wordplay at “bitten by the curiosity bug”. Once you are bitten by this bug, trust me, there is no turning back.


I started this blog to share my curiosity, ideas, experiments, failures and learnings. And to be able to connect & collaborate with like minded enthusiast, create innovative solutions and help change things for better.


Now, I have always been a technology enthusiast and did some programming in my past awatar but had never fiddled with electronics, microprocessors and such. It all started with a chance encounter with a fellow tech-head from California that I met in Portland’s Japanese garden. Both of us were killing time babysitting our older kids, while our wives was servicing our toddlers. We got chatting and soon the topic was technology. He then told me how he had built a baby monitor all by himself using a RaspberryPi. I only had a vague idea of what it was but was fascinated by what I was told it can do.


At that time, we were facing a problem, which I guess many parents of young kids do. Our son used to watch TV from very close distance. Even if we sat him back, unknowingly, he would soon creep close to it. Only if the cartoon was paused would he remember to sit back sufficiently away from it. But only for a few minutes, then again he is next to it. I had my Eureka moment when it occurred to me that maybe I can use RaspberryPi to solve the problem. The idea was that as soon as he is close to the TV it should pause automatically.

I taught myself about RaspberryPi python, unix, electronics and after lot of trial & error I was finally able to build that device. My first blog was about this device.


I really got hooked to the process of ideating and building prototypes of innovative devices. Later on, I started experimenting with machine learning, microprocessor, bare metal programming, GSM, Bluetooth, GPS, and so on. It is fun to learn, prototype and write about it. Feel free to share your thoughts, ideas and experiments. Would love to hear from you.

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